Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How Fragile life is?

Yesterday was 25th Of December 2013, Christmas day. Everybody was having fun and enjoying another great Christmas. We all went to church in the morning, went to meet our relations and were happily enjoying the day.

Children were playing, our parents were remembering the old days of how they used to celebrate Christmas and I was helping out to prepare for Christmas dinner.I could here music coming from some houses far away, old Christmas classics were being played, and all around I could hear laughter and happiness.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Effective Brain Storming

What is Brainstorming?

This is a term that we regularly use and I am pretty sure that most of you have done brainstorming as well, maybe with a group or by your self. But how effective was brainstorming? did a brainstorming session always produce solutions or was it a waste of time? The following tips may help you in the future in your brainstorming session to produce the results you desire.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Creating a Game Plan of Success...

In my two previous articles I explained why we all seem to have a problem with not having enough time as well as if we just change the way we look at time and what we want to achieve within that time (our outcome or result), how we can save so much and in fact have more time than we ever imagined.

In this article I will explain how we can plan our strategy to get our outcome / result and a powerful tool called “chunking” which when used properly can make any daunting task possible.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Being Result Oriented and Purpose Driven

In my previous post "How to have more time , less stress and be fulfilled", I explained the areas where we are usually wasting most of our time and what are the things we can do so that we can gain more time. I explained about living in Delusional or Distractional and wasting our time away. By identifying how we spend time in these areas and reducing the time we spend in these areas can give us as much as 14 hours per week additionally.

Also I explained about spending more time in the area of Demand and being stressed out of our skin. By planning more and reducing the time we spend in the area of Demand, we can relieve ourselves of so much stress and we can really free ourselves of so much suffering.

Then we also talked about being in the Zone and the more you reduce time wasted on the above three areas the more you can have time to be in the Zone. But how do we really get to be in the Zone and how do we know when we are really in the Zone. Well in this post I will explain two key ways of thinking ,or two questions that I ask myself (because thinking is basically asking ourselves questions), that helped me to spend more in the Zone and got me out of of the stress - mess.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to have more time , less stress and be fulfilled

Many of us live a life where we are always driven by so many TO DO’s that most of us are STRESSED out of our minds. We do so much everyday and at the end of the day we keep telling ourselves the same thing

“Gosh, I wish had more time to do the things that I really want do”

Well here’s a news flash

......”WE ALL HAVE ONLY 24 HOURS A DAY!!!”........

So how do successful people have more time to do so much whilst we don’t, what’s their secret? do they know some magic that we do not know of?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lucky to be a human

Just the other day something happened that made me realize how lucky we are to be humans. Yesterday I was having my lunch at my usual place where I go everyday to have my lunch. As usual I was having my vegetable burger and lime juice when an old lady walked into the place. Obviously any one can see from her torn cloths and the way that she looked, she was a homeless person. Everybody just seem to ignore her or moved out of the way as if repelled by her.

This lady went near the food display and was looking at the foods and from the look in her face even I at a distance could see that she was not having money to buy any food.

To all our surprise, in walked a gentleman and walked up to her and asked her something, and I could barely hear but it looked like he was asking if there was anything she liked in the display. After that she pointed out an item, then this gent wen to the counter and bought her the food item as well as some deserts ,took her to a table and asked her to enjoy the meal.

What I realized at that time was that just like everyone else this gent also had the same choices, whether to ignore or to care and he chose to care. This was a perfect example of how we humans differ from other animal species where we have the power to decide and do what is right or wrong where as most species of animals are just driven by instinct. So let's be grateful that whatever force that created us, gave us the ability to think freely and act accordingly for without our free will we are no different from the rest of the animal kingdom. Let's use this free will to care for one another then destroy one another.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Feeling overwhelmed with work

Just the other day a friend of mine was having a chat with me and said that he was having three key projects that he is working on right now and he is not sure how to handle these three projects as all need his attention and he was feeling really stressed out. While listening to him I remembered recently how I was also having a similar situation and how I overcame that.

One day around 10 am I was feeling really uneasy and I could tell that I was getting stressed out due to something, I was not being the usual myself. Though I could not pinpoint it at first I knew something was not right.

The first thing I did was to close my eyes and go on my dream vacation, this is a mental picture I have of a quite calm place that relaxes me. For me of course this is walk on a beach with the sun on my back and the sound of the waves in my ears. I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath and I could literally feel the smell of the sea, and the warmth of the sun. This just quickly got me out of my stress and put me immediately in an empowering state.

After that I just thought about what was bothering me, and I knew it was the projects that I was working on. What I did was I quickly opened a worksheet and listed down all the projects that I am working on. It came out that I was working on over 20  projects at the same time. No wonder I was getting stressed out.

In the next column I put down by the end of the day what state I wanted each of these projects to be in (what were my outcomes), and what is the purpose of each project. This gave me a chance to reflect back on my  outcomes and I saw that for half of the projects there was nothing major to achieved by end of the day. So that meant I only had to work on half the projects today.

In the column after that, I put down what is the current status of each project I needed to work on today. This gave me chance to see where I am right now in each project and now I was empowered by knowing at this moment the status of my projects.

In the next column I put down if I had to work on the remaining projects, what would my immediate three things (tasks) be. This gave me a chance to see what things I can do in parallel as well as how big the next step in each project is. It also gave me the chance to see if I can leverage , delegate or enlist the help of someone for any of these tasks. To my surprise most of the tasks could either be done in parallel or I could find people who I could enlist the help of.

In the last column I prioritized the most important three projects and started working on the immediate tasks. This was either my self working on the task or leveraging. Also I was able to identify the less important projects and I immediately called / fired mails to the relevant projects stake holders and informed what I have planned to do in their projects and that I will not be able complete some of the items in their projects today as I have some other priorities and when I will be able to do them.

This whole process took me less then 25 to 30 mins but it allowed me to work on my projects without being stressed out. I know if I had planned these projects out early I would not be in this situation, but I think sometimes no matter how much we plan we get in to situations like this. The most strangest thing was that after I started this process I was able to work on almost all the important projects and achieve my daily outcome for almost all the projects.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Going back in time

Have you ever had a chance to go back in time. Well  I had a chance to do this just the other day.

I was  about to take my car out from my house and it was raining heavily (which is very common these days).  As I was was opening the gate I saw a taxi (tuk tuk) stuck on the road and the only people inside were a girl of about 12 years and the driver. Suddenly this little girl got out and started pushing the taxi in the pouring rain. It was difficult, but she trying her best.

I do not know what but something told me to help this girl out so I also went and checked what the situation was and we both started pushed the taxi. When we were pushing I saw that she was smiling all over and very happily pushing the taxi. For her being out in the rain was a very exiting thing, very soon I also started feeling the same because I started remembering how I used to run up and down my street in the pouring rain when I was young.

By the time we started to get the taxi running, we were both soaking wet but we were laughing our heads off and making fun at the rain and splashing on the water puddles. The taxi driver, who I later found was her father, got down and thanked me but I felt I should thank them for giving me this little moment in time to go back to my child hood and feel those same feelings and emotions again.

At the end of it I was soaking wet but I was emotionally juiced and that whole day I was feeling the same energy. I was thinking how beautiful life would be if once in a while we can become the kids that we were and literally go back in time as and when we need... I hope that when you read this you will also get the chance to go back in time as I did.