Aikido, a traditional Japanese martial art which teaches the way of Budo, was introduced to me quite accidentally at a very turmoil junction in my life. I was at several cross roads of my life which was filling my life with much stress and it was impacting me on my health, my emotions and my life as whole.
I was immediately drawn to the flowing movements and charm of Aikido and from the day I saw Shihan Tadashi Komenoi, who later became my teacher and mentor, practicing with his pupils. However after experiencing Aikido first hand I knew I was truly beginning a journey that would not know any boundaries or limits.
Even though at first Aikido practice seemed to be so tiring on my body, each day I practiced and with each basic lesson learned I was beginning to feel such a huge weight being lifted of my shoulder. Even though daily when I went home I was feeling as if I had been run over by a car physically, mentally I felt I was getting more relaxed and my mind was getting clearer to what was around me. Now after almost 10 years of practicing Aikido I can clearly look back and see that I am where I am physically, emotionally, mentally, career wise and personally is due to the influence of Aikido in my life. If anybody asked what are the most important things I have learned from Aikido, following would be my answer.
The most important thing I gained from Aikido is a simple thing which I learned doing Ukemi. In doing Ukemi, each time we fall, we get up and help our partner to succeed in their technique. In life also I have learned to do the same, where I have learned what matters, is not how many times I fall down but how many times I get up to do my best to serve the greater good. So in life also no matter what comes my way and hit me hard and knock me down, I have been able get up again and again to continue for success. This has helped me to grow in to becoming a very strong person in my professional and personal life.
The next most important thing that I would say I have learned from Aikido is with the simple technique of “ten-kan”. Which is not to fight anger with anger, problem with problems but to meet any situation that comes to bring me down with “tan-kan” in mind and to use the situation to empower my self, so that we can all come out as winners.
Last but not least, The third most important thing I have gained from Aikido is giving respect to all who touches my life. In Aikdio, we bow before practice to each other and ask our partner to help us in practicing, the same way once we finish we again bow to our partner and thank them for helping us become better in what we do. This same practice and discipline of giving respect and understanding I believe has helped me tremendously to be where I am today as an individual and human being.
In conclusion if someone asks me has Aikido helped me in my life, my answer would be a very big “YES”, because it is not the physical aspect of Aikido that has really appealed to me and helped me, but the spiritual side of Aikido that has helped me most. In essence I believe O’Sense said it best when he said
Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead.
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